The ExPat Returneth

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March Hiatus

Hi everyone, 

This month, I'm knee deep in revision mode for my mystery PORTRAIT OF A DEAD GUY (releasing August, 2012), so I'm taking a break from the blog.

However, during March, I will continue to cook more Japanese food and to think about differences in my US. life vs. Japan life. 

For example, today's thought while showering:  
Why can't I get Pantene shampoo refill bags in the U.S. like I could in Japan? If we're all about recycling, why don't we do the refill bag? So many products were available in refill bags in the rest of the world. You buy the big bottle once and refill it. Simple, space saving, and economic.

Have a wonderful March. Here's to seeing you with the April flowers! 

And speaking of April flowers, we're going to attempt Ohanami, cherry blossom viewing, in our yard this year. For those of you who haven't experienced that in Japan, it's all about spreading a tarp, eating, and drinking under a full-bloom cherry tree. We'll discuss in April.

I would love to hear from you! Are you trying any expat recipes? Please share! And who else wants to give Ohanami a go outside of Japan?


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